Trains ticket early booking through internet enables getting cheaper prices
For booking train tickets, see SNCF website. The trip takes 1h20 from Paris by high speed train (TGV), 40-50 minutes from Luxembourg and 4h30 from Frankfurt.
Take a shuttle from Strasbourg Airport -> Strasbourg Railway Station (4,40 Euros), then:
From these airports, you can take a Flibco shuttle to Metz (, and early booking enables getting best prices.
When travelling by car on highway, take the exit Metz centre, or the exit Metz Est.
The GPS coordinates are: 49°05'32.7"N 6°13'35.7"E
Notification of acceptance:
10 May 2019
10 June 2019
Late paper submission:
21 June 2019
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15 July 2019
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17 June 2019 -
12 August 2019