How to get to Metz from airports

Trains ticket early booking through internet enables getting cheaper prices

For booking train tickets, see SNCF website. The trip takes 1h20 from Paris by high speed train (TGV), 40-50 minutes from Luxembourg and 4h30 from Frankfurt.

Paris Charles de Gaule (CDG) Airport Terminal 2 –> Metz (2 alternatives)

  1. a) Take the high-speed train (TGV) from CDG airport –> Lorraine TGV station (1h10), located at 25 km of Metz (50 – 90 Euros, cheaper with early Internet reservation); b) then, take the shuttle (navette) from Lorraine TGV Station –> Metz railway station (30 minutes trip, 6.10 Euros). The shuttle fees might be included in the train ticket (so show your train ticket to the bus driver), or be paid onboard the shuttle about 7€ for one trip.
  2. If you prefer to arrive directly to Metz Ville (Downtown) railway station, you may book a round-trip ticket on a TGV from Gare de l'Est in Paris. Express Metro RER B from the CDG Airport enables to reach Paris Gare de Nord in about 30-40 minutes, and then 1) you may walk to Gare de l'Est in 5 minutes, or 2) you may take the Metro line 4 and drop at only one stop.

Luxembourg Airport ( –> Metz (3 alternatives)

  1. a) take the shuttle from Luxembourg Airport –> Luxembourg Railway Station (2 Euros); b) then take the train from Luxembourg Railway Station (16 – 19 Euros according to the train schedule) -> Metz Ville (Downtown) Station (about 50 min).
  2. a) You may take the Eurobus number 16 (2€) from Luxembourg Airport –> Luxembourg Railway Station (see schedules); b) then take the train from Luxembourg Railway Station (16 – 19 Euros according to the train schedule) -> Metz Ville (Downtown) Station (about 50 min).
  3. You may take the Flibco Bus from Luxembourg airport –> Metz Downtown (14 Euros, with booking on Internet).

Strasbourg airport –> Metz (3 alternatives)

Take a shuttle from Strasbourg Airport -> Strasbourg Railway Station (4,40 Euros), then:

  1. take an Intercity train (TER) from Strasbourg Railway Station -> Metz Ville (Downtown) Station (10 – 37 Euros, according to schedule and promotions).
  2. take a High-Speed train (TGV) from Strasbourg Railway Station –> Lorraine TGV Station (28 – 44 Euros, according to booking); then take the Shuttle from Lorraine TGV Station –> Metz Ville (Downtown) Station (6.10 Euros).

Bruxelles-Charleroi / Frankfurt-Hahn ( airports

From these airports, you can take a Flibco shuttle to Metz (, and early booking enables getting best prices.

Frankfurt Airport –> Metz (2 alternatives)

  1. By Bus: 26-39 Euros (according to the bus schedule)
  2. By Train: 57-69 Euros (according to the train schedule)

Travel to Metz by car

When travelling by car on highway, take the exit Metz centre, or the exit Metz Est.

The GPS coordinates are: 49°05'32.7"N 6°13'35.7"E

Dates and Deadlines

Notification of acceptance:
10 May 2019
10 June 2019

Late paper submission:
21 June 2019

Camera ready paper:
22 July 0019
15 July 2019

Early registration:
17 June 2019 - 12 August 2019

Sponsors and Partners
Organized and Sponsored by:
IEEE Ukraine Section I&M / CI Joint Societies Chapter
IEEE Ukraine Section I&M / CI Joint Societies Chapter
Research Institute for Intelligent Computer Systems
Research Institute for Intelligent Computer Systems
Ternopil National Economic University
Ternopil National Economic University
ENIM (Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieur de Metz)
ENIM (Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieur de Metz)
LCOMS (Laboratory of Conception, Optimisation and Modelling of Systems)
LCOMS (Laboratory of Conception, Optimisation and Modelling of Systems)
University of Lorraine
University of Lorraine
IEEE Ukraine Section
IEEE Ukraine Section
IEEE France Section
IEEE France Section
MDPI Sensors
MDPI Sensors
River Publishers
River Publishers