Registration Fees

To make registration, please:

  1. Check fees table and explanation below.
  2. For participants from Ukraine, please provide payment according to Bank account below. Use National Bank of Ukraine Rates in case of currency change.
  3. For International participants, there are TWO options:
    1. You can use TicketForEvent system to pay by Credit Card, PayPal, or obtain Invoise for wire transfer to International IBAN bank account.  
    2. If infoice from TicketForEvent system hes to be modified according to special request, the other type of Invoice (with Ukrainian bank details, SWIFT account) can be issued, please send your request to OrgCom informing prices according to the table below.
  4. After processing of the payment, please, fill in the registration form including copy of your payment.
  5. If you need VISA invitation or Official Invitation, please fill in the: Visa invitation form
International participants  
IEEE Members 180 €
Non-IEEE Members 200 €
IEEE Students (Undergraduate and Graduate) and IEEE Life-Members 75 € *
Non-IEEE Students 85 € *
Participants from Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine
IEEE Members 90 €
Non-IEEE Members 100 €
IEEE Students
(Undergraduate and Graduate) and IEEE Life-Members
35 € *
Non-IEEE Students 40 € *

* This participation fee is valid when the authors’ team includes student(s) (Undergraduate or Graduate) and a student has to be a first author of the paper. Within this fee only the student can be registered and attend the conference.

At least one author per paper should pay a Regular Registration fee in order to publish the paper. Otherwise, the paper will not be published in the Proceedings of IDAACS-SWS 2018.

Fee payments are non-refundable. If some force majeure circumstance is there the OrgCom could consider it but not later than one month before the Conference starts.

One author registration will cover the publication expenses of only ONE accepted paper only, 4-6 pages in length according to IEEE Proceedings Format. For each additional page, an extra fee of €20 will be charged. For each additional accepted paper (maximum two papers) associated to the same registration the €45 printing contribution will be charged. Authors presenting more than 3 papers must pay an additional full registration for the 4th paper, and €45  for the 5th, etc.

The full IEEE member and Non-IEEE member registration fees cover the entrance to all sessions, one e-copy of the Conference Proceedings, Coffee breaks, Lunches, Welcome Party, City Tour  and Conference Dinner.

The Student and IEEE Life-Members registration fees cover the entrance to all sessions, one e-copy of the Conference Proceedings, Coffee breaks, Welcome Party and City Tour.


PLEASE NOTE: To be published in the IDAACS Conference Proceedings, an author of an accepted paper is required to pay registration fee and must present the paper at the conference.

IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference, including IEEE Xplore® Digital Library, if the paper is not presented by the author at the conference.


Additional expenses: The costs for accommodation, food and travelling are not included in organizing fee.Payment should be performed after receiving the acceptance notification.


Громадська Спілка «Українська Секція ІЕЕЕ» ;
Платник ПДВ, ІПН 409670026590;
Адреса: Україна, 04128, м.Київ, вулиця Стеценка, буд. 19/91, офіс 18;
Р/р 26003649966200 в АТ «УкрСибБанк», м. Київ,
МФО 351005;
Код ЄДРПОУ: 40967004;
платежу: „Для участі у науковій конференції IEEE IDAACS-SWS-2018
в т.ч. ПДВ 20% (вказати ПІБ)”.


If you have any questions, please contact OrgCom  via e-mail

Important Dates

Late paper submission:
22 July 2018

Paper submission:
10 May 2018
24 May 2018

Paper acceptance:
24 July 2018
21 August 2018

Payment confirmation:
25 August 2018

Camera-ready papers:
05 September 2018

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