List of the Hotels


Königswall 2
 44137 Dortmund
 +49 231 226 886 4300

Route from Dortmund Central Station
Leave the Central Station through the main exit. Turn left and follow the street’s course for about 300m. The A&O hostel is located on the right side.



Hoher Wall 38
44137 Dortmund
+49 231 560500

Route from Dortmund Central Station
Leave the Central Station through the main exit. Turn right and follow the ring street up for about 500m. The hotel is located on the right side of the ring street.



Schwarze-Brüder-Straße 1
44137 Dortmund
+49 231 53461566

Route from Dortmund Central Station
Leave the Central Station through the main exit. Cross the street, walk up the stairs and walk straight forward until you reach Kampstrasse. Turn left and walk until you reach Hansastrasse. Turn right and turn again right at the second street into Schwarze-Brüder-Strasse.



Provinzialstraße 396
44388 Dortmund
+49 231 69620

Route from Dortmund Central Station
Leave the Central Station through the north exit towards the bus stops. Take bus 460 (direction Kirchlinde), exit at Kirchlinde Zentrum and change onto bus 462 (direction An der Palmweide) Exit at Bövinghauser Strasse. Walk northwards towards Bövinghauser Strasse, the hotel is located on the left side. You will need a ticket tariff A (2,80€).


Take the local train RB from Dortmund Central Station in direction to Dorsten at XX:32 from track 20 (track changes may occur). Exit at Dortmund-Bövinghausen. Exit the station towards Merklinder Strasse, turn left and walk down Merklinder Strasse and turn left at Bövinghauser Strasse. Walk for about 100m, the hotel is on the left side. You will need a train ticket tariff A (2,80€).

Route to FH Dortmund – Campus Emil-Figge–Strasse (Dortmund Universität)

Take the bus line 462 (direction) from the bus stop Bövinghausen on Provinzialstraße. Exit at Universität S-Bahnhof. In case you are travelling to Otto-Hahn-Strasse 23, exit already at Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Strasse. You will need a ticket tariff A (2,80€).



Moskauer Strasse 1
44269 Dortmund
+49 231 176990

Route from Dortmund Central Station

Take metro line U 47 (direction Aplerbeck) and exit at Stadtkrone Ost. Walk in the direction of travel of the metro you got off and turn right into Tiranaweg, walk about 130m down Tiranaweg and turn left onto Stockholmer Allee. Walk for about 300m, then you reach the hotel. You will need a ticket tariff A (2,80€).

Route to FH Dortmund – Campus Emil-Figge–Strasse (Dortmund Universität)

Take from the station Stadtkrone Ost metro line U47 (direction Westerfilde S-Bahnhof) and get off at Dortmund Central Station (Hauptbahnhof). Change to the local train line S1 (track 7, direction Solingen). Exit at Dortmund Universität. You will need a ticket tariff A (2,80€).



Emil-Figge-Strasse 41
44227 Dortmund
+49 231 97050

Route from Dortmund Central Station

The hotel is located next to the University Campus and the REFA building.

Change to the local train line S1 (track 7, direction Solingen). Exit at Dortmund Universität. Walk towards Vogelpothsweg and turn right. Walk up to Emil-Figge-Strasse and turn right. Walk for about 500m. The hotel is located on the right side next to the roundabout traffic. You will need a ticket tariff A (2,80€).



Cruismannstrasse 39
44807 Bochum
+49 234 9542020

Route from Dortmund Central Station

Take the local train from Dortmund Central Station (direction Bochum) and get off at Bochum Hauptbahnhof. Change to the metro line U35 (direction Schloss Strünkede). Exit at Rensingstrasse. You will need a train ticket tariff B (5,90€). Walk eastwards (towards the motorway bridge) onto Cruismannstrasse. Follow the road for about 230m. The hotel is located on the right side.

Route to FH Dortmund – Campus Emil-Figge–Strasse (Dortmund Universität)

Take the local train S1 from Bochum Central Station to Dortmund Central Station (Hauptbahnhof). Exit at Dortmund Universität. You will need a train ticket tariff B (5,90€).



Hellweg 20
44787 Bochum
+49 234 13085

Route from Dortmund Central Station

Take the local train from Dortmund Central Station (direction Bochum) and get off at Bochum Hauptbahnhof. Exit the train station towards the City Centre. Cross the main road Südring in front of the station and turn left and walk along Südring, about 50m. Turn right onto Hellweg and walk towards the hotel. You will need a train ticket tariff B (5,90€).

Route to FH Dortmund – Campus Emil-Figge–Strasse (Dortmund Universität)

Take the local train S1 to Dortmund Central Station (Hauptbahnhof). Exit at Dortmund Universität. You will need a train ticket tariff B (5,90€).




Nordring 44
44787 Bochum
+49 234 68960

Route from Dortmund Central Station

Take the local train from Dortmund Central Station (direction Bochum) and get off at Bochum Central Station (Hauptbahnhof). Take the metro line U35 (direction Riemke Markt) and exit at Deutsches Bergbau-Museum. Walk southwards and turn left onto Nordring. Cross Nordring onto the other side and walk for about 150m. The hotel is on the right side. You will need a train ticket tariff B (5,90€).

Route to FH Dortmund – Campus Emil-Figge–Strasse (Dortmund Universität)

Take the local train S1 to Dortmund Central Station (Hauptbahnhof). Exit at Dortmund Universität. You will need a train ticket tariff B (5,90€).



Josef-Haumann-Straße 1
44866 Bochum
+ 49 180 2 121723 (6 ct/call; mobile max. 42 ct/ min. within Germany)

Route from Dortmund Central Station

Take the local train (RB) into direction of Aachen and exit at Bochum Wattenscheid. Leave the station northwards and turn right onto Fritz-Reuter-Strasse, then turn left onto Bahnhofsstrasse. After about 60m you will find the bus station Wattenscheid Bahnhof. Take bus line 364 (direction Real-Markt). Exit at Lohrheidestrasse. Walk about 100m southwards and turn right onto Joseph-Haumann-Strasse. Follow the road for about 100m. The hotel is located on the left. You will need a train ticket tariff B (5,90€).


Olpe 2
44135 Dortmund

Route from Dortmund Central Station
Leave the Central Station through the main exit. Head east on Königswall 20 meters and take the crosswalk. Walk straight for around 200 meters and turn left onto Kamstraße and after 100 meters turn right onto Westenhellweg. In around 80 meters turn left to stay on Westenhellweg. Go straight for 400 meters and turn right onto Markt.Kepp going all the time straigt until you reach Ople and turn left. The Mercure Hotel Dortmund Centrum is located on the left side in 75 meters..

Kampstraße 35-37
44137 Dortmund

Route from Dortmund Central Station
Leave the Central Station through the main exit. Head east on Königswall 20 meters and take the crosswalk. Walk straight for around 200 meters and turn left onto Kamstraße and walk for about 200 meters. The Mercure Hotel Dortmund City is located on the right side.

Dates and Deadlines

Submission of extended abstract:
31 May 2020
26 July 2020

Notification of acceptance:
30 June 2020
16 August 2020

Submission of Camera Ready Paper:
31 July 2020
06 September 2020

Early registration:
26 August 2020 - 04 September 2020

Late Registration:
05 September 2020 - 13 September 2020

Online Registration

Online Registration is Open.
Please register at:

Paper Submission

Paper Submission via EasyChair System:

Sponsors and Partners
Organized and Sponsored by:
Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Research Institute for Intelligent Computer Systems
Research Institute for Intelligent Computer Systems
IEEE Ukraine Section I&M / CI Joint Societies Chapter
IEEE Ukraine Section I&M / CI Joint Societies Chapter
Foerdergesellschaft Fachhochschule Dortmund e.V.
IEEE Ukraine Section
IEEE Ukraine Section
IEEE Germany Section IM Chapter
IEEE Germany Section
IEEE Germany Section
River Publishers