Paper Preparation

You are invited to submit an Extended Abstract of 3-4 pages (in English only) according to the template.
The size of a Camera Ready Paper has to be 4-6 pages.   For each additional page the author will be required to pay extra fee. 

Each main author is allowed to submit max. 2 papers. However, the author can be mentioned as a co-author in other submissions.

Paper Submission
Each lead author must establish an account and submit the Paper via EasyChair System:

Suggested Frame of the Paper:

  • State of the art (shortly). Clearly indicate the problem’s importance and existing approaches for its solving. Formulate main goal (objectives) of your research.
  • Outline your solution. How did you do it? Bring out what is unique in your method and/or approach.
  • Describe advantages and disadvantages of your method and/or approach.
  • Present results of the experimental research (shortly) to verify the proposed method and/or approach.
  • Conclude what main outcomes achieved, and mention the future work.

A submission implies willingness to register and present the work if the paper is accepted for presentation at the Symposium.

Please use one of the Templates while preparing your Extended Abstract and Camera Ready Paper:

Microsoft Word

LaTeX Archive (Style & Bibliography) *

A4 DOC Format (DOC, 77 KB) Unix (TAR.GZ, 1.08 MB)
A4 RTF Format (RTF, 253 KB) Windows (RAR, 1.08 MB)

Example of the Formatted Paper in PDF



Conference content will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore as well as other abstracting and indexing (A&I) databases. All A&I providers can be found here and include amongst others Scopus and Web of Science.


IEEE policy and professional ethics requires that referees treat the contents of papers under review as privileged information not to be disclosed to others before publication. It is expected that no one with access to a paper under review will make any inappropriate use of the special knowledge which that access provides. This applies to anyone else who is authorized to handle submissions.

Video presentation

This type of the presentation is required to prepare the video for 10 minutes, explaining your research. You can show your presentation, record the demos and etc. Each and every paper authors will receive the email with more instructions and information.

Oral Presentation

Oral presentation should take 15 minutes which will be followed by the Q&A session (around 5 minutes) at the end of the Session. For Oral presentation please use MS PowerPoint, or PDF documents and be prepared to share your screen during your presentation. We suggest using 24-pt font size or bigger, for slide headers – 32-pt or bigger.

You can also send us your presentation, if you are not sure how to share your screen or you might expect some difficulties.

More information regarding oral presentation will be sent per email.

Poster Presentation

Please prepare the poster in accordance to the template (Please download the poster template for Online presentation). More instructions and information regarding this type of presentation will be sent via email.

IMPORTANT! The decision with which type of the presentation you paper presented (Oral, Poster and Video) will be done by the Organising committee and will be shred with the authors via the email individually.

Dates and Deadlines

Submission of extended abstract:
31 May 2020
26 July 2020

Notification of acceptance:
30 June 2020
16 August 2020

Submission of Camera Ready Paper:
31 July 2020
06 September 2020

Early registration:
26 August 2020 - 04 September 2020

Late Registration:
05 September 2020 - 13 September 2020

Online Registration

Online Registration is Open.
Please register at:

Paper Submission

Paper Submission via EasyChair System:

Sponsors and Partners
Organized and Sponsored by:
Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Research Institute for Intelligent Computer Systems
Research Institute for Intelligent Computer Systems
IEEE Ukraine Section I&M / CI Joint Societies Chapter
IEEE Ukraine Section I&M / CI Joint Societies Chapter
Foerdergesellschaft Fachhochschule Dortmund e.V.
IEEE Ukraine Section
IEEE Ukraine Section
IEEE Germany Section IM Chapter
IEEE Germany Section
IEEE Germany Section
River Publishers